Which of these 2 nations is the freer society? : Freedom Blog

Which of these 2 nations is the freer society?

by Freedom University student body on 12/30/11

Which of these 2 nations is the freer society?

(a) One with a king--inherited from one son to the next--where there is no property taxes, sales taxes or income taxes and no drug or gun laws of any kind.
(b) A democratic style government where all the leaders are elected but they do have income, sales, property taxes, gun laws, drug laws etc. Which is the freer nation?

Comments (2)

1. Joe said on 1/28/12 - 03:48AM
The one with a king although I don't know of a king like this in history.
2. Greg said on 1/28/12 - 03:57AM
The King - Democracy is just mob rule. History has shown repeatedly that the majority vote is often corrupt. Majority voted for Hitler, majority wanted Mao, majority wanted Christ dead, majority wanted to return to slavery in Egypt etc.

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