Answer: Although it is hard to be completely objective or absolutely certain here, it is obvious that the US is closer to Nazi Germany than a generation ago and much, much closer than a century ago. Adolph Hitler bragged to the world that Germany was the first nation to have a socialized education system(the first one was actually in Prussia which later became part of Germany), and that Germany was the first nation in the world to have a true socialized healthcare system, which they still have in Germany. And he bragged that Germany was the first "civilized" nation to have full gun registration for its citizens. As Americas have been increasingly forced, over the last century, to pay for and participate in these same socialist programs, which are the mark of every socialist country, and trained in the same socialist school systems to accept socialism and the violent social order it represents as a normal and even preferred way of life, it is obvious that we are much less free than not so long ago when we had no income taxes, no property taxes, no sales taxes, and people came here from all over the world to live in something much closer to genuine freedom.

An answer of -3- on the freedom scale is a good guess of where the US is today. So give yourself 3 points for answering 3 and cut this to 2 and then 1, each number, up or down, you move away.
American’s were the best educated people in the world and about an ‘8’ on the freedom scale until the socialist, forced school systems were established in the middle 1800’s and became dominant in the late 1800’s.

America was about a ‘7’, on the freedom scale, in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, until 1913, when the Income Tax and the Privately owned Federal Reserve Bank began to enslave all Americans by systematically taxing and inflating away the labor and productivity of the people.
America was approximately ‘6’ on the freedom scale until the Federal Reserve Bank created an economic boom and bubble in the 1920’s and then crashed the U.S. economy in the late 1920’s, helping to spread economic panic and collapse around the world. President Hoover and then Franklin Roosevelt used this as a cover to expand and then greatly expand the political system, bringing a vast array of socialist programs, like the Socialist Security retirement system.

America was about a ‘5’ on the freedom scale until a vast welfare state system was established in the 1960’s - 1980’s. President Johnson’s "Great Society" socialist programs were a big part of this, which just kept expanding and growing, in number and scope, once they were established.

America was a ‘4’ or so on the scale until 2001, when the 9-11 attack was used as a pretext for the rise of one of the most complete police states the world has ever seen. Virtually no part of the Constitution - especially the Bill of Rights - is now obeyed. Hundreds of thousands of Constitutional felonies are being committed every day, by people with badges and uniforms, but rarely is anyone in authority arrested, because no one dares, in the present state-worship, fascist-like climate, to enforce the Constitutional law.

So, the U.S. is about a ‘3’ on the scale today unless the new Nazi-Care - national socialist-corporate/fascist, medical system is implemented and stands. This would mean that the U.S. will slip down to a dreadful 2 , on the freedom and tyranny scale, equal with Nazi Germany, at the beginning of WWII.
Answer: Free societies are free because the freer people in those societies enforce legal restraints and limitations upon the forced, unfree part of society, which is to say, politics. Every thought and act of politics is violent in nature and works contrary to the nature of a truly free and just society so, the political system is purposely kept small and weak, by law, so that the free part of society can flourish. This means that free societies prevent political parties from forming and keep their members from getting into positions of government.

Because, once politicians get into any position of authority, they will do what all political party members tend to do, continually work to change(read corrupt) the laws of the land so that they can take over the entire society, by force. The loss of freedom in every society in history, can be measured by the rise of political parties and their influence over the society and the consequent growth of the political system–the forced social order–which political party members build in order to expand their own power and the power of their wealthy partners, the anti-capitalist, monopolists, who finance the work behind the scenes to use corrupted law and government to give themselves an advantage over their competition and make themselves unnaturally rich. This is one of the simplest, best ways to measure the level of freedom in any nation–by measuring the growth of the political system.

There are many scientific ways to measure the level of politics in a society at any given time. Measuring the size of the political system and the "government" under its control and comparing this with the size of the population or the size of the economy will reveal that the political system has grown many times faster than the population or the economy has grown over the past century in the United States. For example, the size of just the federal budget in the US has gone from about 5% of the Gross Domestic Product in the year 1900, to about 30% in the year 1960, and over 40% of the GDP by the year 2010. This means that the national political system in the US, and the forced society, "governmental" systems, that Americans have been increasingly forced to pay for, and forced by threats, even at gun point, with fines and imprisonment, to participate in, has grown 8 times faster than the economy has grown over the past century. This means that Americans are much less free today than they were a century ago. A 7 on the freedom scale would be a good estimate of where we were then, meaning Americans have lost over half of their freedom in the past century. Give yourself a score of 3 for an answer centering upon 7 on the freedom scale and cut this by one for each number, up or down, you move away. 
Answer: This is a more complex question than it first appears. "Toward Tyranny" is probably the best answer, give yourself 5 points for this answer and 2 more points if you answered "quickly", because the US and the world in general have been moving hard away from freedom since the rise of socialist philosophy and the spread of its doctrines, throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Although, the ideas of liberty are now experiencing a great revival, rebounding after nearly going extinct in the storm of socialistic violence in the middle of the 20th century and the long series of wars between the remnants of Monarchist factions and the 3 great socialist factions (Democratist, Communist, and Fascist) known as World War I and World War II - and the Cold War - with its hundreds of proxy wars. Since the late 1900’s, free society ideas and their influence have been growing exponentially, slowing the pace of socialism’s formerly rapid advance.

So while socialism is still dominant, all over the world, give yourself 3 points if you answered "toward Freedom" because there is a rapidly growing undercurrent in liberty’s direction. If you answered "toward Freedom" give yourself 2 more points for the "Quickly" answer, because, while still in the minority, there is no doubt that the numbers of free people are rising far faster than that of socialism’s minions, who are losing hope in socialism, after nearly 200 years of empty promises and failed socialist programs, having left hundreds of millions dead, billions enslaved and a train wreck of national bankruptcy and economic collapse across the world.

Give yourself a point for "moderately" if you answered "toward Tyranny" because while politicians, all over the world, are still pushing more socialist programs, subsidies and bailouts, there is no doubt that socialism’s advance has been slowed by the growing freedom movement, and is no longer gaining rapid momentum like it did throughout the last century.

In the U.S. today, for example, the populace is split almost down the middle. Half are still in the deep intellectually sleep they were trained in via the state run school system and continue to follow one lying politician after another, ever deeper into state worship and the nation-wide system of slavery all politics leads to. While the other half of the people are in some stage of waking up to the frightening reality of how much freedom they have already lost and how much deeper into tyranny the politicians and their global corporate handlers are planning on taking the nation.
Freedom I.Q. Answers:
#1. Is your society moving toward         freedom or toward tyranny?  
Tyranny   +5
Freedom  +3
At how fast a rate?
#2. On a freedom scale from 1 to 10, Communist Russia being a 1, Nazi Germany being a 2, and a totally free society being a 10, where was the United States of America 100 years ago.
#3. On a the same freedom scale from 1 to 10, Communist Russia being a 1, Nazi Germany being a 2, and a totally free society being a 10, where would you put the United States of America today?
#4. On the same freedom scale, where would you put the average median nation of the world today?

if chose freedom
if chose freedom
if chose freedom

if chose tyranny
if chose tyranny
if chose tyranny
#5. Which 2 of the terms below best describe the opposite of freedom?
(a) Law
(b) Violence    
(c) Government    
(d) Force    
(e) Anarchy 
#6. Which 1 or 2 below best describe the argument between             free and unfree people?  
#7. Which 1 or 2 answers below best describe free people’s attitude toward politics? 
They support left leaning neo-liberal policies.

They support right leaning neo-conservative policies. 

They support the middle of the road approach and try to bring people together to achieve political ends. 

They do not try to achieve political ends but work to strictly limit all political activity so that people can live free of the violence of political plans, plots, programs, and schemes. 

They support a classical liberal stance of dispersed and limited government.
#8. Which 1, 2 or 3 of these characteristics is descriptive of unfree people?
They have no idea they are unfree.  

The more unfree they become the more they think they are free.  

They think their leaders are doing good when they are changing the laws so that those in authority and their agents can commit violent and criminal acts legally. 

They know what freedom is but wisely reject it.  
#9. Which 2, 3 or 4 of the characteristics below            are most likely to be found in a free society?
(a) Voting  
(b) Income Tax  
(c) Rent Control  
(d) Military Draft  
(e) Mandatory Storm Evacuations  
(f) Subsidized Housing  
(g) Volunteer Police Departments  
(h) Volunteer Fire Departments  
(i) Food Stamps  
(j) Social Security  
(k) Medicaid  
(l) Charity Hospitals 
#10. Which 2 or 3 of these characteristics are most likely found in free and unfree societies?
(a) Anti-Drug Laws  
(b) Anti-Gun Laws  
(c) Anti-Murder Laws  
(d) Anti-Robbery Laws  
(e) Anti-Adultery Laws 
- 1
- 2
) Which group or groups below are likely to hypocritically give lip service to liberty and a free society but are unlikely to actually support and uphold the principles and institutions of freedom in practice and,  in fact, can normally be found working to establish an unfree society?    (Give the best 1 or 2 answers)
(a) US congressman  
(b) state legislators  
(c) political liberals 
(d) political conservatives  
(e) religious liberals  
(f) religious conservatives   (g) all of the above 
Benjamin Franklin expressed an idea which was important to many early Americans, like Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, when he said, “Those who are willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both.”  What do early Americans mean by this statement? (Give the best 1 or 2 answers)
- 1
- 2
They disagree over the meaning and purpose of law and government.

They disagree over whether people should help other people in need.

They disagree over whether people should be organized by a political system which dominates the whole society by force, or organized peacefully,  through people’s own free choices, with strict limitations upon political activities.

They disagree over whether left, right, or middle leaning political ideologies and their agendas are the best way to govern a society. 




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It is always difficult for nations to find the right balance between individual freedom and the security of the state.  

The idea of giving up some freedoms in order to expand the powers of the state to keep people safe is always a delusion, believed only by the most ignorant, unfree people of history. 

Freedom and security, are always one in the same. If one must give up one in order to have more of the other, one or the other is the opposite of what it is pretending to be. 

All that freedom stuff was a nice luxury back in the old days, but we live in a dangerous world today and would be wise to always side with security over freedom. 

One of the principle differences between free and unfree people is the way they see political power. Freer people believe in strictly limiting political power and keeping it small; unfree people believe in expanding political power to achieve their social and political ends. One place of tension between these free and unfree ideas is the way they see their own nation in relation to other nations in the world. George Washington was one of many, in early America, who expressed a portion of the vision of a free nation when he said, “Friendly relations with all, tangling alliances with none.”  What does George Washington and other early Americans mean by a statement like this? (The best 1 or 2 answers)
Early Americans, like all free people, believe in living in the world, as a nation, like  neighbors are expected to live with one another, in their own neighborhood: generally minding your own business, being friendly and helping others in a peaceful way, if they need it, and never attacking other people’s families or seeking to take control of their homes through bribes and armed invasion. 

Early Americans believed in isolationism. They were isolationists. They believed in sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring the rest of the world. 

Early Americans believed, basically, in what modern Americans believe: reward your friends with various subsidies and foreign aid; destroy your enemies through embargoes, blockades, bombing and military occupation. 

What might be the most foundational principle of a free people, was expressed by many early Americans, in speeches and writing, like Thomas Jefferson when he said, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.” –and John Adams when he said, “You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments: rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.”–and Frederic Bastiat, the French historian, wrote, “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”  What do free people mean, when they make these kinds of statements? (The best 1 or 2 answers)
The governments of men are given their authority to make laws and rule over men from God. 
Therefore, whatever laws they make have essentially come from God.

Life, liberty, and property are the elements of true liberty–which is the expression of the genuine laws of the Universe as they apply to the social order of man. 

Any law which claims the right to violate the principles of liberty, or any person who claims the right to make such a law or enforce and uphold such a law, is not acting lawfully but is in fact working to lift up a violent anarchy against the laws of the Universe and the God who gave law and government to man in order to defend and protect liberty, not destroy it. 

The Bible teaches that men are fallen and evil. Therefore, it is important that governments restrain this evil nature of mankind by constantly passing and enforcing new laws whenever people think of some new evil to do. 







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Answer: The answer here is even more difficult to quantify than the one about the US. While the world is a big place, socialism has spread its tentacles into virtually every nation in the world. In nations like Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, the conversion was violently rapid and the enslavement of the people virtually total: 15 to 20 million people killed by German socialists, 30 to 40 million killed by the Russian socialists, and 60 to 80 million people killed by the Chinese socialists. While Germany and Russia, and even China, have now pulled back a notch or two from the most extreme socialistic, authoritarianism in history, most of the socialist forced programs and violent schemes remain. And while the socialism of the democratists of the world has moved at a slower and less obviously violent and slightly more sustainable pace, the end result is the same. The people living in England and greater Britain today, for example, are virtually living on a giant slave plantation. Everything the modern British man or woman does, or could think to do, of any consequence, is tightly controlled and regulated by those in the political system, playing master over the national slave plantation system. The average person in England today has little more freedom on the freedom scale than the average slave on a plantation had 200 years ago. The biggest difference being that at least the plantation slave was left with mind enough to know that he was a slave and not trained from childhood to worship state slavery, like the wretched English people are today, in their socialistic school systems, to think that a nation-wide authoritarian state, where they get to vote for a change of political slave masters, is the "New Freedom."

Although there are nations like Switzerland which have wisely resisted the growing tyranny over the world, and little, far away nations overlooked by socialism’s forces, the average nation of the world today is probably at best equal with the US on the freedom scale. So the likely best answer is sadly only a 3 on the freedom scale - no better than the U.S. Give yourself a score of 3 for an answer centering upon 3 on the freedom scale and cut this to 2 and then 1, each number, up or down, you move away. 
Answer: (Answer elaborations for #5-20 coming soon)
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#15. Why was there much less of a drug problem and drug related violence 80 years ago - before the first drug law of any kind was passed in the U.S. and before the "War on Drugs" made it legal to kick in millions of people’s doors for searches seizures and thousands killed by police, and many millions of people arrested and imprisoned? Why was there so much less of a drug problem when people could have all the drugs of any kind they pleased, without restriction? (Give the best 1 or 2 answers.)
(a)Knowledge about drugs and its use was not that widespread back then. More people would have abused drugs if they had known about them.

(b) Many of the more hard core drugs, like crack cocaine, were not yet available or people would not have been able to resist becoming addicted.

(c) The knowledge of liberty and the concepts of what real law and government are and how freedom works to transform societies, has a transformational effect upon people, building inner character and self control, which makes people free, able to resist evil desires and to instead love good, consistently choosing right, regardless of the temptation to do otherwise. 

(d) Things were just different back then. Nobody knows why and who cares. If we can just get serious enough about the war on drugs, spend enough money, hire enough police, arrest and imprison enough people, the problem will be solved, eventually–maybe in another 80 years or so.


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